Thursday, January 11, 2007

Writing homework

Today's writing homework from my article and essay class was interesting: pick two of your personal habits and write two short stories, eavesdrop and record three conversations and write about a present day phobia. I signed up for a workshop date and am due to present my essay for the class' critique on Jan. 30. The desks will be arranged in a circle, students will tell me why my piece is awful and in need of revision and I will not be allowed to speak but only allowed to write notes and try not to sob. Yes, workships are tough-love. Some students can be intentionally cruel but most really try to help you improve your writing. I have a cool, liberal instuctor and am enjoying the class so far.

I've got to get halfway through Emma and read Oroonoko. I read it over the summer and it was not my favorite book, by far.

I also have a poetry critique due to a client by Saturday so I better get to it.

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